Thursday, July 11, 2013

Saly's Art

salty's arts from Woodfoot Surfcraft on Vimeo.
Great time hanging out at Salty's with all my friends, listening to the band, BBQ, and everything surf plus art.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The thin one fin pin or "Sliver" is all cleaned up. The old Breezin had seen the end of it's days, but beneath the layers of decay gleamed a board of unusual character. Will it work? I do not know, but as long as it floats a wave it will catch. Slender and deadly knifed the "Sliver" has potential to bring smiles.  6.0L x 13N x 17.25M x 8.5T x 2.5 displacement hull into panel vee with one birch single fin.